The Lavish Loyal Longsuffering Longing Love of GOD


In this blog, we embark on a journey through one of the most poignant parables Jesus ever told: the story of the Prodigal Son. This parable, found in Luke 15:11-32, is often seen through the lens of the wayward son and his return. However, I want us to shift our focus to the father in this story—a figure who exemplifies the boundless love and grace of our Heavenly Father. Through this narrative, we uncover the depths of the father's character and, in turn, gain a greater understanding of God's great love for us. Let’s dive in and explore five key characteristics of this father's love, all starting with the letter “L.”


Luke 15:12, "So he divided his property between them".

The father's love is evident from the very beginning. Despite his younger son’s demand for his inheritance, which was a deeply disrespectful act, the father grants his request. He allows his son the freedom to make his own choices, even if it leads to hardship.

God’s love allows us free will. He loves us enough to let us choose our path, even when it leads us away from Him.


Luke 15:20a, "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him."

Even after his son leaves, the father never stops longing for his return. His heart remains hopeful and watchful, eagerly anticipating the day his son comes back home.

God never stops longing for us. No matter how far we stray, His desire is for us to return to Him.


Luke 15:20b, “he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”

The father exhibits patience and endurance throughout his son’s absence. He endures the pain of his son’s rebellion and the waiting period with steadfast love. The father’s willingness to wait, watch, and then immediately forgive highlights his patience and enduring love.

God’s love is patient and enduring. He is long-suffering, waiting for us with open arms, ready to forgive and restore.


Luke 15:22-23, "The father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate."

Upon his son’s return, the father doesn’t hold back his affection or celebration. He lavishes his son with love, embracing him and throwing a grand feast in his honor.

God’s love is extravagant and abundant. He pours out His blessings upon us, welcoming us back with open arms and celebrating our return.


Luke 15:31, "‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours."

The father's loyalty to his family is unwavering. Despite the older son’s jealousy and complaints, the father reassures him of his love and loyalty.

God’s loyalty to His children never wavers. He is faithful to us, whether we are near or far, and His love encompasses all His children equally.

The story of the Prodigal Son is not just about a wayward child but about a loving, longing, lavish, long-suffering, and loyal father. This father mirrors the character of our Heavenly Father, whose love for us is beyond measure. As we reflect on these attributes, let us remember that no matter where we are on our journey, God’s great love is always reaching out to us, ready to welcome us home with open arms. May we embrace His love and extend it to others, living as reflections of His divine devotion.

Pr. Voola Sukeerthy
Ph: (+91) 9686992917

For my short reflections on other Psalms of David click here

Miracles of Jesus



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